What is ASPPA?

ASPPA is the Pistachio Producers Association of Albacete. Established in March 2020, it is a non-profit association initially made up of producers from the province of Albacete to which, gradually, producers from other provinces of Castilla-La Mancha are joining.


ASPPA was born with the primary objective of offering security to its members when it comes to processing and commercializing their pistachio. The members of the association are guaranteed not only the pistachio processing at a price below market cost, but also the maximum benefit for their product as they do not need intermediaries for their sale.


The ideal climate of Castilla-La Mancha to produce pistachio, dry and with cold winters and hot summers, together with the good work of our associates in the production and collection, allow ASPPA to obtain a pistachio of recognized quality in all new markets it reaches after each harvest.

Organic production

ASPPA is committed to the production of organic pistachios as a competitive advantage over pistachios coming mainly from the United States, Iran and Turkey. With some 120 pistachio producers, to date, covering nearly 2,000 hectares, and aiming to reach 3,000 hectares, ASPPA is undoubtedly a benchmark in the European organic pistachio market.

Advantages of being part ASPPA
  • Guaranteed processing. ASPPA members do not depend on private processors as they are guaranteed the processing of their pistachio.
    • Processing price below market cost.
    • Product sale without intermediaries.
    • Structure adapted to the processing of small batches without added costs.
    • Access to training programs, courses, and practical workshops on everything related to pistachio growing: grafting, pruning, irrigation, etc.
    • Technical and legal advice
    • Representation in front of third parties (other associations and regional, state and European bodies).

Collateral benefits

The growth of ASPPA brings with it the development of a network of processing points throughout the provincial and regional map that generates benefits of diverse consideration for the environment:

  • Creation of quality jobs.

  • Establishment of inhabitants in sparsely populated areas.

  • Promotion of exploitation of the unirrigated land because the pistachio is a profitable crop in dry land.

  • Promotion and development of ecological and sustainable agriculture.

  • Dynamization of the regional economy.

Sustainable and environmentally friendly crop

With the absolute absence of pesticides and herbicides in our crops, and together with the promotion of dry farming and the implementation of maximum efficiency irrigation, ASPPA actively collaborates in the caring of the environment. Only from a clean and natural environment can quality and truly healthy products be obtained. Only from a clean and natural environment can quality and truly healthy products be obtained.


San Roque, 1
02639 Barrax (Albacete)
+34 689 13 55 94